Financial services consist of services provided by Asset Management and Liability Management Companies. They help to get the necessary funds and also make sure that they are efficiently deployed. They assist to determine the financing combination and extend their professional services upto the stage of servicing of lenders.
They help with borrowing, selling and purchasing securities, lending and investing, making and allowing payments and settlements and taking care of risk exposures in financial markets. These range from the leasing companies, mutual fund houses, merchant bankers, portfolio managers, bill discounting and acceptance houses.
The financial services sector offers a number of professional services like credit rating, venture capital financing, mutual funds, merchant banking, depository services, book building, etc. Financial institutions and financial markets help in the working of the financial system by means of financial instruments.
To be able to carry out the jobs given, they need several services of financial nature. Therefore, Financial services are considered as the 4th major component of the financial system.